Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Nothing all that interesting going on. Just the normal assortment of spring activities plus end of the school year things.

Jake is having a successful baseball season and attending about 1/2 of his basketball games and practices.. Clara is enjoying basketball and doing some fun things with Girl Scouts.

We're trying to get our summer planned out which is proving to be a pain in the ass. At this point each of the kids are going to a week long girl or Boy Scout camp. They're also going to do at least 1 golf clinic.  Not sure what else we can fit in due to the month of July being a total mess with lots of family coming into town. Jake will hopefully make it to dc for a couple of weeks, and Clara will take a trip there in the fall.

I'm hoping to get some stuff done around the house and yard. Working on a project to do list. With Tom and I off only 1 day a week together, there isn't a ton of time.

I'll try to post a project list soon, as well as a craft project list.

Annalise is finally talking a bit more. Current words include car and ball, and hello. 

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

People are dumb

I could list a hundred examples, but I think we all know its true.

I don't understand why some people feel the need to be "brutally" honest, but in reality, they seem to be doing it just to be a fucking bitch.

So over the stupid mom drama and everything that goes along with message boards. It makes me sad and question why I even bother. And makes me ashamed that some people act the way they do.

On that note, here's a cute picture. She's not dumb. She's awesome ;)

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Game-time review

Tried out a new place today. The kids and I drove to lake Oswego and met Tom plus the inlaws for dinner. We went to Game Time.

Just in case I have any local readers, here is a quick review.

Fun place to go with kids. A little confusing when you first get there (FYI it's open seating, so just find a table), but the food was good. Service was about slow, but we'd definitely try it out again!

Join the VIP club if you am on going--they email a good coupon that's expires a week out. We were there for almost 3 hours between dinner and 2 rounds of bowling. Kids are already begging to return.

Lots of tvs with sporting events, a full bar, sandwiches and pizzas, bowling and video games. Fun!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Shutterfly give away

I happen to love shutterfly, and a site I turn to for free codes is having a big give away.  Check it out!  Good luck!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

So soft

Baby cheeks

Thursday Thoughts

Thursday Thoughts

  • Not too much going on around here, except for baseball, basketball x2, girl scouts, and boy scouts.  That's all.
  • I waited until the last minute to file our taxes, and now I want the refund ASAP.  Can't remember why I waited so long. Hmm.
  • The weather is finally changing to more nice days and fewer not nice days (knock on wood) but it's still freaking FREEZING sitting through a 2+ hour baseball game at 6pm.  It's windy as all get out, and Annalise has little ice cube hands.
  • It feels like Friday.  Hate it when I'm off by a day.
  • Jury duty on Monday.  Wonder if I'll actually get called in?  Either way it kind of sucks, beacuse I block my schedule at work.  If I don't get called in, I still have to come to work, and then I'll have nothing to do.
  • Earth day is on Monday, so we're going to do some street cleaning on Saturday.  It happens to be right during a baseball game, but I'll somehow make it work.
  • Last weekend I tried some new recipes.  This weekend I think I'm sticking with more classics.  I do want to try some variations though.  I'll be sure to link pinterest recipes I use.
  • First the bombing, then the fertilizer plant explosion.  The funny thing is, the bombing will get and got MUCH more press, but which was more deadly and which was actually more likely?  It's like car accidents vs. plane crashes....
  • I think Tom and I are going out this weekend.  I should probably try to find a babysitter.  We'll have to go to our favorite bar, but I think we're going to try a new resturant.
Feel free to post your own Thursday thoughts, just link back to Jen @ Ramblings of a Suburban Mom!

Sunday, April 14, 2013


Didn't get even close to everything finished that was on my list. I did start a new book, Freedom by Jonathan Franzen, but no one ever lets me read around here :-/

Did get lots of laundry done, as wells some spring cleaning in the kitchen, but I did not purge the cupboards.

Sweet potato tot things I made were not great...but the hash made out of the leftovers was good!

Not ready for the week to begin, so I'm going to read for a bit before bed.

Friday, April 12, 2013

iPhone dump

Some of last week

Just hanging out

Watching Jake play baseball in the wind

Birthday party for a friend.  Annalise stayed home sick, but the big kids had fun!

Blurry mustache

Stache AND unibrow

Self portrait

High fashion for baseball.  Cold and Windy once again

Hanging on my lap.  Ignore the neon yellow stain on the carpet.  Damn neon silly putty/flubber shit.

Self explanatory 

Killian and Annalise each playing some music

Annalise waiting in the cupboard at her dr appointment

Almost the middle of April

Once again, time is just flying on by.

This weekend we only have 1 baseball game tomorrow.  That's it.  Next Saturday I'm fucked.  Tom works, Jake has a baseball game, Clara and Jake both have basketball games, and I'm organizing a road clean up session.  WTF--stupid me.

This weekend I plan on cleaning the kitchen to include organizing the dishes and pots and pans cupboards and drawers.  I plan on baking at least 1 loaf of bread, probably zucchini bread (Clara's favorite).  Not sure what I'll be cooking.  The last few things I've made were meh, so I'm not feeling really motivated :(  I have a chicken thighs.  Probably going to BBQ them.  Super exciting.

Annalise had her 15 month appointment today.  She is 31" long, 21lbs 4oz, and doing really well.  She had 2 shots (we are doing an odd shot schedule so she never has to have more than 2), and didn't cry for either.  And managed to peel her bandaids off shortly after they were placed.  She likes coming to visit me at work, and when we go visit everyone, I hear 100 times "She is such a doll/she looks exactly like you/holy crap she's 15 months already!"  Crazy ;-)  She still isn't talking much, but she's starting to imitate conversations more so I have a feeling actual words will commence soon!

My sister brought my nephew up to visit yesterday.  So fun to see Annalise and Killian playing together--they are 8 weeks apart.  Killian is a big fan of patting Annalise's head and hugging her.  They fall over a lot.  Luckily they're only an hour away so we see them fairly regularly :)  This was from the end of January.  I haven't uploaded pics from yesterday--the camera is in the car (please don't steal it!) and it just started pouring.  Not going out right now...

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Friday, April 5, 2013

Friday night

I can't sleep. Seems like almost every night I have trouble sleeping. Annalise wakes me up, but it's near impossible for me to lay down and fall asleep in s reasonable amount of time (less than 30 minutes in my opinion). It sucks.

Don't want to self-medicate, so I've been taking melatonin 3-5 days a week. Boo. And nights like tonight I think I missed the window" of sleepiness.

Tomorrow Tom will be at work, having has a baseball game, all of us have a birthday party to attend in the afternoon. But that's it for the day. Looking forward to some downtime!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Thursday Thoughts

Thursday Thoughts
Linking up from Jennifer's blog
  • Still trying to adjust to Tom's new schedule.  Not so fun only having 1 day off with him, and last week didn't even get that due to my picking up an extra shift at the hospital.
  • Baseball season is in full swing now.  Practice and games 4 days a week.  The shitty part?  Games are scheduled every Monday and Saturday, which are both days Tom works.  So guess who misses the majority of the games?  And guess who has to wrangle the baby on her own so she doesn't really get to WATCH the games? Yeah.  Kinda sucky.
  • Last night was our last Financial Peace University class.  It was the "Jesus Class"...Tom didn't attend, as we weren't told ahead of time that the nursery would be closed, so when we showed up, poor Annalise would have had to sit through the class.  Totally not going to happen.  She sits for like 3.5 seconds at a time.
  • Going on the above--we now need to sit down and figure out the basics...most important to me is what is the earliest possible date that I could retire? Ha.
  • I've been trying to find new recipes to try out.  Even though I'm cooking almost every night, it's the same things with slight variations.  Totally yummy and usually weight watcher friendly,  BUT kinda boring.
  • The baby sitter starts watching another baby today.  I'm a little sad...Now Annalise is going to have to share her attention, but Annalise loves this other baby (for now ;-)) so I hope it's okay? Plus the big kids are exited to have the baby there before and after school.
  • I have a list of things I want to create.  I'm going to try to do ONE a week.  Maybe on Sunday nights/Monday mornings I'll share what I did?
  • I haven't been reading as much as I planned on.  Only 2 books so far this year.  So much for 1 per week.  I'm almost done with #3 and I already started #4.  Maybe I'll change my goal to 24 books for the year? That seems totally doable.
  • I tried to reset my phone last night.  After finally getting the new pictures to transfer and DELETE from my phone, it updated and reset everything EXCEPT it didn't delete the other 2300 pictures.  It did delete all of my apps.  I can't manually delete that many pictures, then I have to look at them and ooooh and aaaahhh over them, and want to save them.  It never works.  Hopefully will have it fixed by tonight.
  • That is all for today.  Not many deep thoughts at 8am, I'm TIRED.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Meal plan

I'm going to make a better effort to plan our meals for money and health reasons.

This week we will have:

Grilled Turkey tenderloin with zucchini and rice

White bean and turkey sausage soup

Either chicken dumpling soup or maybe chicken pizza (use up leftover BBQ chicken from tonight)

Chinese chicken salad

Wednesday night will probably be grilled cheese or quesadillas due to a hectic schedule.

Lunches for Tom will be leftovers, and my lunches will be any extra leftovers, or just a sandwich/whatever I throw together.

He eats out at least once a week for lunch, but I rarely do--I get to come home everyday :)

Hopefully this will work!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

No motivation

I have so much to do, and no drive to do it. Frustrating :-/

I'm working my extra job this weekend, picking up a12 hour graveyard shift on Saturday night. The anticipation is killing me, because I really don't want to work :-( but it's worth it, so that's where I'll be spending alllllllll Saturday night.

Monday, March 25, 2013


Took Percocet for a sore tooth. Helped me sleep at first (plus kicked the pains ass) but now I'm wide awake. Don't have to be up for 3 hours, and I'll be so goddamn tired when 630 rolls around. Boo.

Had a good weekend. Made lots of yummy food. Chicken fried rice and steak yaki soba on Friday night. Chicken apple salad on Saturday night. Thai chicken wraps for lunch Sunday, and then Thai chicken/peanut sauce yaki soba noodles for Sunday night dinner.

Never made banana bread as I planned . I'll have the nanny do it today!

Went to a park with new play ground equipment, all 3 kids had fun!

Have plans for an art project with Clara tonight. Will take pics if it turns out.

Ok trying to fall back to sleep now...

Friday, March 22, 2013

Friday iPhone dump

I'm being such a follower these days, but hey, if it motivates me to post.....

1.  She has curls!
2. She was tired of me taking her picture
3. Annalise getting ready for a walk in the Burley with dad
4. What happens during a long walk in the Burley
5. double rainbow on my way home from work. it ended at the pain clinic. LOL
6. Student led conference night for Clara
7. Amanda made bathtub paint for Annalise, she was perplexed
8. Trying out her new plastic lawn chair. It's a winner.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Thursday thoughts

Thursday Thoughts

  • I'm always so excited it almost Friday, when Thursday rolls around. This week even more so, since I worked Sunday as well.

  • I attend weight watchers on Thursdays. I'm totally having a gain this week. Not excited about it and I want to not go because of it :-/ but....I will go and hope for the best. Goddamn whipped vodka 3 nights this last week! ;)

  • In order to stay motivated, I'm making a written list of things I want to accomplish. While pinterest is great for ideas, it doesn't help me prioritize what I'd like to do. So I have a "craft/DIY" list, a cooking list, and a sewing list. Oh, and a cleaning/organizing list. I like lists.

  • Tom and I have been doing this financial class, Financial Peace University. I'll just put it out there--I attend church very occasionally, Tom does not. This is a church based program. Even so, it's been very helpful and motivating on the money front. I'd like to retire eventually, and I think we're getting on the right track. We only have 1 class left, and I'm going to kinda miss it...

  • The kids spring break started today. Thanks to conferences and a furlough day, they don't go back until April 2nd. I've been trying to plan things for them to do, that Annalise can attend as well. It's kind of tricky, but luckily I have the best nanny in the world. She'll make it work :)

  • My boss is going to do my review this weekend. I don't think I've been as much of a team player as I could have been. Errr should have been. Hoping for a huge raise. Haha. Who am I kidding...I'll be lucky to get 3%...

Ok back to work. Gotta keep up appearances.
Ps I'm trying to figure out how to link up to a blog, but am clueless. It's for it doesn't help that I'm typing this via the blogger iPhone app...

Saturday, March 16, 2013


Broccoli cheese puffs. Turned out mildly ok. Waste of time and product. Boo.

Favorite banana muffin recipe turned out sub-standard baked goods. Wtf??? 4th time making them. the bite I ate tonight wasn't as sweet as usual and dense. Boooo

Friday, March 15, 2013

Subscription boxes

I might have a problem with these. I had been doing well--cancelled all of the ones I was getting, except for Citrus Lane which is prepaid for a few months, and Goodie co.

Then I stumbled on to 2 crafty ones. Whimsey for me and Lullubee for Clara. I'll probably just try each for a month or two, but I'm looking forward to getting one entirely for ME! I'm surprising Clara--I already told her I couldn't find a good one for her--there is a lacking selection for older kids/preteens/teens...

For fun, my current favorite picture.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


I'm jealous my husband has a new job. It's not the new job as much as the hours of the new job. For the first time ever for him, he's working 4 10's. Off Sunday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

Makes me miss working 3 12's and being home more days :-(

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Still sick

I went to bed Saturday night feeling a little off. Woke up Sunday morning feeling like death warmed over. Now it's Wednesday and I still feel cruddy plus this sinus junk has gone to my chest. Yay! I sound amazing and I'm sure my patients love it. Can't decide if wearing a mask would bring them more peace or make them more wary?

And for fun, a picture of A-L throwing a huge fit. Over the swiffer being stuck between her legs.