Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Nothing all that interesting going on. Just the normal assortment of spring activities plus end of the school year things.

Jake is having a successful baseball season and attending about 1/2 of his basketball games and practices.. Clara is enjoying basketball and doing some fun things with Girl Scouts.

We're trying to get our summer planned out which is proving to be a pain in the ass. At this point each of the kids are going to a week long girl or Boy Scout camp. They're also going to do at least 1 golf clinic.  Not sure what else we can fit in due to the month of July being a total mess with lots of family coming into town. Jake will hopefully make it to dc for a couple of weeks, and Clara will take a trip there in the fall.

I'm hoping to get some stuff done around the house and yard. Working on a project to do list. With Tom and I off only 1 day a week together, there isn't a ton of time.

I'll try to post a project list soon, as well as a craft project list.

Annalise is finally talking a bit more. Current words include car and ball, and hello.